The relaxation techniques described here do more than just reduce stress. They bring you into what is called an alpha state. Alpha describes a brainwave pattern that represents a deeply relaxed and meditative state. In this alpha state, stress is reduced enough to increase your sense of well-being, improve your ability to function, improve your immune system and make it easier for you to participate in your own recovery. Before you can relax enough to be in the alpha state, you must decrease the negative stress you are experiencing. Then you can use several relaxation methods known to produce alpha states—acupressure, meditation and visual imagery. Getting in the Mood Before using any of these methods, put yourself in a calm and quiet mood. One way to do this is to sit in a chair or lie down. Make sure you are comfortable. Make sure your surroundings are quiet or at least without distraction. Then start taking very deep breaths. Breathe into your abdomen. You can check this out by resting your hand on your abdomen and feeling your hand go up and down. This is deep abdominal breathing. It's also called hara breathing, a healing kind of breathing that is very relaxing. Do this a number of times slowly and deeply until you feel relaxed. You might also use a relaxation tape. There are many different tapes and many different ways of relaxing. Sources for these tapes are listed at the end of this section. Each tape will give you instructions. Whatever method you use, once you're in a relaxed state you can go on to actively use one or more of the following techniques: